Programs and Products for Girls & Women
Check out all of the ways we empower & support women and girls unleash their confidence & step into their POWER! Check it out and grab some of our Pretty POWERful swag, Danielle's Amazon faves, one of our Pretty POWERful Girl boxes, or coaching and courses for women!
Our signature program - A simplified Wellness Mentorship program for Women based on Body Confidence & Simplified Food & Fitness - with your very own Motivational Speaker, Trainer, and Body Image Expert in your back pocket!

The Confident Woman's Roadmap E-Book + Experience
Learn the strategies to Unlock your Confidence & Step into Your Power!
Go through the P.O.W.E.R. Method to unlocking your potential and build Confidence like you never imagined possible.
Pretty POWERful GIRL
Pretty Powerful Girl Program
A mentorship program for girls, age 5-15, to become more confident & build a stronger bond with you!

Live Events
Join us at the Mother/Daughter Self Love Soiree in Columbus Ohio! Increase her self-love while building a stronger bond with her and enjoy moms-only time as she gets mentorship!

Daily Motivation Mentorship
Pretty POWERful Girl mentors send her daily, Monday-Friday, messages full of motivation, tips, fun, and inspiration to help her grow in confidence and self-love.