Your Sociologist hype girl, body confidence strategist, dancing bestie with SO MUCH passion & energy creating a world where no little girl, or woman, EVER looks in the mirror and dislikes who she sees!

What's Up?! I'm Danielle!
🍟French Fries & Ice Cream are my love language
🐾My 2 German Shepherds think I'm brilliant (they haven't told me otherwise)
✈️I haven't been everywhere but I'm working on it
📺If you can't find me I'm watching Vanderpump Rules or Big Brother (#IloveRealityTV)

I was a typical happy little girl, playing with barbies, dancing my heart out, and hanging out with my friends. In 6th grade it got serious...I started worrying about what I looked like. I quickly realized my legs didn't live up to beauty standards and started refusing to wear shorts.
Taking all of my high school graduation money to purchase a "procedure" to get rid of all of my cellulite, the drastic weight-loss attempts pills, consuming less than 1200 calories, eating only 1 time a day, overexercising, strict diet plans and on and on and on...
I wanted to be smaller, prettier, and absolutely perfect. Refusing to show up to any college course that required me to give a presentation and receiving a comment on a paper from a grad school professor stating "You have to speak up in class or you won't be successful," I had succeeded; I was almost invisible...quiet, unnoticed, "perfect" because I wasn't taking a chance on being seen or making a mistake.

"When I get SUPER fit and lose weight I'll be SO confident and happy and THEN I'll speak up..."
The lie I continued to tell myself.
I lost weight. I got 4-pack abs. I was the healthiest I had ever been. It didn't change anything.
I still had cellulite I despised.
I still wouldn't speak in front of people.
I wasn't happier.
Society lied to me.
My Body isn't wrong SOCIETY IS!
I began a new journey... Body Confidence. I asked myself "can I create peace & freedom around food & fitness and practice body appreciation to unleash my confidence (I was born with it) and fall in love with my body?"
I didn't know the answer but I was willing to try.
And this crazy cool journey took me on a ride of a lifetime.

After spending a decade coaching, mentoring, & speaking with women around the world, it didn't matter if they were 25 or 75 the conversations always came back to similar statements...
"I can't wear a tank top because of my arms..."
"I need to lose more weight..."
"I'm part of the 70-85% of women that choose not to do LIFE because of my body..."
So HOW can we make a BIGGER impact so little girls don't grow up having similar thoughts?!?!
The Pretty POWERful Girl program was created to mentor girls directly & help girls AND moms communicate about topics to help increase confidence.
Every program I've created for women is with ONE goal in mind --> help them unlock their confidence & shift their mindset around food, fitness, & their bodies so they can be a POWERful example to little girls of what a confident & healthy woman looks like and talks like.
I believe we will change the world when we STOP thinking about our bodies and START living in our POWER...and I hope one day I don't have a job because we no longer need my my message...
I cannot wait to hear YOUR Pretty POWERful story!
It's time to question beauty standards and get OUT of your body thoughts and INTO living your best, most POWERFUL life!

Let's get Social!

Drop me a beat!
Have questions or want to chat about how we can collab? Tell me about it...